2016-03-28 - Vertigo Fading


~10.1 miles @ ~12.7 min/mi

"Thank you!" I tell Kristin as we ramble in the rain. "For a morning when I seriously thought about calling in sick, this is the best day ever!" Yesterday's dizziness (BPPV) is mostly gone, and as the sun rises we discover a new playground cut-through ("Tysons Pimmit Park"), find a quarter on the pavement, slip but don't fall down on muddy sidewalks, climb a few steep hills, and manage to achieve soggy double-digit mileage while staying mostly within the Pimmit Hills neighborhood and not repeating too many streets. Kitschy lawn art and dozens of wind chimes decorate a yard near the corner of Cherri Drive and Leonard Road. It's trash day and we chase a garbage truck for a few blocks. "What will we do if we catch it?"

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-04-18